Saturday, May 28, 2011

Rise of Geekdom

I'm a proud self proclaimed geek. This has been proven by the fact that a guy at work (who I don't know all that well) came in with scruffy facial hair. Now he looks like Wolverine, and it is marvelous and hilarious. Some started calling him Wolverine, and he laughed. I told him it was better than Logan. He paused, blinked at me, and then declared his shock I knew that. *falls over laughing* When I related this to another co-worker (who I do know a bit better) he seemed surprised more didn't know what a geek I was, since something comes up and I go off on a geek tangent.

I already have this shirt, but it continues to amuse the hell out of me. Even if Mum tried to revoke my geek card for having issues with her PC. I'm sorry, computers aren't a really huge interest of mine, thus I haven't kept up with the technology trends as much in recent years.

There was mass explanation that there was more than computer things on the shirt and for the application of geek.

Mum just kind of shook her head. :)

Anyway, on with the geeking. I was looking into knitting patterns for Thor, (don't ask, my mind is an odd place), and I came across this Crafting Valhalla entry at *falls over* I have the original Creepy Cute Crochet (I have yet to make anything, but the little grim reaper calls to me). Anywho, I am loving the blog. So much geekness love condensed. *rolls about like a puppy*

As I was reading GeekCraft recently came across a few projects that were in a book. Now I want the book, mostly because they have Pow and Zap magnets to make. :D World of Geekcraft, I will be acquiring you.

I'm sure it is a bit apparent that I like geeky things. :D But this really got me. I do love Etsy. So many quirky things, but still wonderful! I have found awesome presents for people there. Now if only I could think of someone who would really really appreciate this!

*sigh* Too bad. But it's still funny! :D

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