I'm working on the last Pay It Forward Mystery Project, but I like to be working on a few things at once. I really liked this
pair of glittens (mittens + gloves, get it!?). I found the original pattern and I believe I will be trying these out in the near future! (But most likely I'll alter the top design a bit. :))
mentioned before my friend/co-worker that asked me for a pair of flip-top mittens. Well, I have the gumption for them now.
These convertible mittens seem to have so many names. Glomitts. Glittens. Whatever. Needless to say, I came across a masculine pattern on Ravelry (
Soldier's Glomitts) since the pattern above seemed boring without a design and he wanted them in black or brown. He didn't want them in wool (it's itchy) so I found a worsted weight cotton yarn with acrylic in it.

I started them a few days ago and then really got to knitting yesterday and today. It has been an interesting experience. I like to choose projects that are going to be fun and challenging to knit. Especially if there is something new to be learned. This time it's a buttonhole, picking up stitched mid-pattern, and creating a thumb gusset.
I'm hoping they aren't going to be too big. I think they'll end up a little large on him, but I'd rather that then be too small. Also, I'm thinking they may shrink a bit in the wash when I block them. If they won't work with him, I'm sure I can figure someone out to give them too.
I almost finished the first mitt when I knew it was too big. So I frogged it. All that work down the drain.

I went hunting for a different pattern and came across two. The Beer Mitts fingerless gloves out of the Debbie Stoller's
Son of Stitch 'n' Bitch and Tornado off Ravelry. I'm hybriding them. Making the base out of the Beer Mitts but adding the Tornado flap. Hopefully I can work this.
I was doing really well and the first mitt was knitting up pretty quickly, but I hit a slight snag. And I have to frog it again since I screwed up and made them a tad too long in the hand area.
It seems to be for the best as well since the cabling on the back needs to be worked over a shorter pattern than called for according to a few other ravellers. I'd also like to reverse the pattern a bit and do stockinette instead of reverse stockinette. I think it will make it easier for me to pick the flap up later. Overall, hopefully third time is the charm.

In the mean time I'm starting a
neat swirl patterned hat for a friend who is leaving the country for very cold places. I plan to make her a pair of
Podster Gloves too. :) (I'm also going to make myself a pair.)
This is of course in hopes that if I leave the glomitts for a bit, the third time really will be the charm.
My co-worker might end up with a semi-matching hat if I have enough yarn left over from his mitts as well. But all in good time.