Saturday, July 9, 2011

*gasp* No knitting?!

I have been so exhausted from work the last couple of days that there has been no knitting. This is terrible as I've discovered that knitting for a bit during my awake time helps me sleep through the day better before going into the work at night. I hope to rectify this situation stat!

In the meantime here are a couple of teasers for my last two mystery projects (2 and 4)!

Also, with my developing obsession with crafting/knitting I stumbled across this little vid about Peruvian knitting, which is really awesome. I know that there are a few other styles originating out of eastern Europe I believe that hold the needles and yarn differently. I think out of South America too.

I think it would be unbearable cool to learn another technique. It just makes me want to visit Peru for more than historically nerd reasons. :D Ancient cultures and pyramids! *spaz*

I've already been plotting what to make when I finish up the Pay It Forward items. I think first on the agenda will be a pair of flip top mittens that a friend from work has been patient about me making. He's only poked me slightly about them. He got really excited the other day when I asked to see his hand in comparison to mine so I could gauge the measurement/size. Terribly scientific I know. But I am terrible with numbers and incredibly visual. Needless to say I was glomped in his excitement. So when I get those started there will be pics of progress. A few other ideas ruminating will have to be secrets since I think they'll make awesome Christmas gifts. Though one will go out earlier so it can be used. *secret smile*

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