Monday, May 30, 2011

Let the summer begin!

Too fraking cute! I love the summer (hate the heat), but s'mores and camp fires are amazing. I have many good memories of gathering around that burning log, marshmellows flaming, and songs being sung.

I know that I am going to have to make this by the end of the summer. XD

It also reminds me a little of Calcifer from Howl's Moving Castle (the book and the anime film).

Speaking of films, came across this scarf. I need to decide on a friend who is completely obsessed with film to make it for. I really enjoy that the pattern also comes with color ideas for the various genres of film. Hilarious!

Since I just got my car detailed I won't be purchasing this, but it is still amusing. I might get it for a later date actually. Overall, I have a few friends that this would be good for. :D It would make a neat birthday/christmas/holiday present add on.

Okay, so this post is actually about the nifty tree branch magnets, however that is an amazing to do list. I feel the need to put one up myself. Because I think everyone needs a reminder to BE AWESOME!

And something really awesome? It's Memorial Day. I like to use this day as a marker of the beginning of summer, but also for it's actual purpose. The day of remembrance for those who served.

I went on a little search hunt for neat patterns. Didn't find too much, but there is a cool initiative out of New Orleans for WWII vets and it seems like something that could be expanded. Getting something handmade is exciting for everyone. But it sounds like a nice thing to show appreciation for some of those who have served and survived. Might have to look into the or make something random for a few of the service men/women I know.

This reminded me of some books I've come across that address the issue of what happens after you knit things for you. They talked about the progression of a knitter in most cases. They start by knitting things for themselves, then move to knitting for people they know, and then for people they don't. There are a few books in particular that I liked; Knitting for Peace: Make the World a Better Place One Stitch at a Time by Betty Christiansen and Kiriko Shirobayashi and Knitting for Good!: A Guide to Creating Personal, Social, and Political Change Stitch by Stitch by Betsy Greer. I'm mixing my stages and want to do it all at once!

Since I've developed my renewed interest in knitting, I've been reading books. Tons of books. Books on patterns, but I am starting to really branch out into the ones about fiber. I also have a keen interest in the ones on the history about knitting. This one struck my fancy Knitting America: A Glorious Heritage from Warm Socks to High Art by Susan M. Strawn. I may have to put this one on my Kindle queue.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Clockwork Skies

This is my latest project (that's not part of the pay it forward meme) for myself. I'm about half done for having started in March. I am fairly inconsistent with my knitting, but I am trying to get in the habit of a few rounds a day. I find that it helps me sleep. Yay for the therapeutic nature of knitting!

The original pattern is Industrial Skies found here.

It really tickles my steampunk fancy. I have this obsession with the genre and idea. I have been slowly looking through and finding various steampunk related items. I might have to do a posting of such things. It's a bit like my random obsession with nail polish. You can also expect pictures of that from time to time to creep in if I photo something with my hand in it.

On a search far far away...

Bwahahaha! I came across this little gem today. I was happy to see it was from a designer whose book I already have. Anyway, I might have to make this for Mum for Christmas since she is always having issues with her PC. Too fraking adorable!

She has some really great tiny knits and other things on her website and in her book.

There are so many little cute things and so little time. I really want to make the pencil. Especially since Mrs. G asked me to consider making something for their Geoscavenger hunt thing. I can't ever really remember what it is called.

Continuing on with geek cute knits, I came across a really great hat of my favorite little android. R2D2!

And along the Star Wars knitting line I found these! LIGHTSABERS! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEh!

And they are plushie and safe. There's a pattern for small ones (pictured) and a larger dueling one. I already got glittery yarn to make the blades. XD

Even though it isn't my thing, biology still provides some awesome knits. Like this great DNA scarf with a cable. I think that it would be suitably entertaining and I will figure out someone that really likes DNA/genetics to make it for.

Also in the double helix pattern is a plushie pattern. Scroll up and down for some other knit baby toys and apparel. Some are really adorable. :)

In other biology patterns are some of these plush bacterium. They are really funny and seem like a nice small scale in the round pattern for beginners.

These also remind me of the plushie diseases I purchased last year at the SPN convention. Which after finding the website I might have to revisit since I am terribly fond of the soap dispenser. :D

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Rise of Geekdom

I'm a proud self proclaimed geek. This has been proven by the fact that a guy at work (who I don't know all that well) came in with scruffy facial hair. Now he looks like Wolverine, and it is marvelous and hilarious. Some started calling him Wolverine, and he laughed. I told him it was better than Logan. He paused, blinked at me, and then declared his shock I knew that. *falls over laughing* When I related this to another co-worker (who I do know a bit better) he seemed surprised more didn't know what a geek I was, since something comes up and I go off on a geek tangent.

I already have this shirt, but it continues to amuse the hell out of me. Even if Mum tried to revoke my geek card for having issues with her PC. I'm sorry, computers aren't a really huge interest of mine, thus I haven't kept up with the technology trends as much in recent years.

There was mass explanation that there was more than computer things on the shirt and for the application of geek.

Mum just kind of shook her head. :)

Anyway, on with the geeking. I was looking into knitting patterns for Thor, (don't ask, my mind is an odd place), and I came across this Crafting Valhalla entry at *falls over* I have the original Creepy Cute Crochet (I have yet to make anything, but the little grim reaper calls to me). Anywho, I am loving the blog. So much geekness love condensed. *rolls about like a puppy*

As I was reading GeekCraft recently came across a few projects that were in a book. Now I want the book, mostly because they have Pow and Zap magnets to make. :D World of Geekcraft, I will be acquiring you.

I'm sure it is a bit apparent that I like geeky things. :D But this really got me. I do love Etsy. So many quirky things, but still wonderful! I have found awesome presents for people there. Now if only I could think of someone who would really really appreciate this!

*sigh* Too bad. But it's still funny! :D

*presses reboot*

I have started knitting again. It helps that I discovered Ravelry and have therefore acquired much inspiration. I even went as far as to start teaching a friend (we'll call her Chez) to knit. It is going smashingly so far. It gives me something to do with my hands other then munch on something.

With this resurgence on my knitting interest I posted the little meme thingy that went around Facebook at the beginning of the year. The I promise to send something handmade to the first 5 people who leave a comment. They must in turn post this and send something they made to the first 5 people who comment on their status. The rules are must be handmade by you and it must be delivered sometime in 2011 one. So I'm starting project one of five. I will likely discuss progress and perhaps post finished projects, but only after they are delivered. Otherwise how is it a surprise? And this is assuming people read this. Hahahahaha, rrrrrrright.

Mostly right now I'm trying to find patterns that will challenge me as well as keep me amused while making them. I actually made a bag at the beginning of the year, it was knit flat with a little intarsia thrown in. It wasn't very entertaining to make. Yawn. It got old fast and I struggled to finish it. But since I have noted that about my attention span and it has been a bit better. :D Now it's a matter of finding patterns that fit me as well as the person they are intended for.

*grins* Let the knitting begin!